Lesson 7-Mono-Stereo

Combining mono files into stereo files.

This is where you have a rhythm guitar in each speaker, an acoustic guitar in each speaker, and a lead guitar in each speaker.

Make sure that there is no sound FX on the tracks before you combine them. the Pan controls have to be hard right and hard left. The Level or volume control should be on odb on every track. The master volume should be below zero, problably -4db to -6db. Just to keep it from distorting.

Acoustic Guitars

We are going to do a technique designed to mixdown audio files down into a single stereo file. Just like our final mix, accept we are only mixing the recordings two files at a time. In this example there is one guitar in the right speaker, and one guitar in the left speaker.

Click Export Mixdown

Click the three dots to the right side of the circle.

Click the arrow up to the left side of the circle.

Click the Stems folder.

Now you are in the folder with all the stems. Click Select Folder.

Click the ok button to mixdown the two mono signals to a stereo acoustic guitar file with one guitar in each speaker.

This window opens up.

Rename ‘Better Time’ ‘Aguitars’

Right Click on ‘Aguitars’ Choose to open with Cool Edit 2000.

Save Backup file.

Copy and Paste Aguitar to the ‘Unaltered Backups’ folder.

Rename Aguitar ‘UA – Aguitar’

Repeat this process with Rhythm Guitars.

Even if you piece together several starts and stops with auto punch, when you export stems the program makes them all one big file.

Repeat this process with Lead Guitars.

Save your file every five minutes.