Lesson 5-Stems-Backups

Export Stems from your Song

It can be helpful to quickly export individual Tracks from your Song. For instance, you might wish to send the Tracks to someone, to prepare a different mix or remix the Song. You can back up your tracks as individual sound files. You can import these individual files into a different kind of DAW and remix the files.

I like to export every stem and use Cool Edit 2000 to normalize and compress every stem, and then rename the files with an M. For example M Drums. The M means that the track or stem, is ready to be mixed in with the rest of the song.

The Export Stems feature in Studio One provides an easy way to accomplish this.

Click on this file to open our project.

It is very important that there is nothing done to the mix when you export your stems. Any sound FX, change in pan (stereo spread <C>), or change in level (Volume) will be added to the stem.

Notice that the Pan is set on <c>. the levels are set to 0db. the Inserts are all empty. I had to change the master volume to -6db because it was distorted when I set it to 0db. Just turn it down until it is no longer distorted.

Click On ‘Export Stems’

Click OK.

This window opens up.

Add A Backup Folder

Copy all files and move into ‘Unaltered Backups’ folder. Paste all files into this folder.

Rename all the files. Replace the ‘Better Time’ with ‘UA’ This stands for unaltered file.

This is your final Backup Folder.

Save your file every five minutes.