Lesson 11-Mastering2

Mastering and Mixing at the same time.

Most Mastering is done on a 2 track stereo file that has already been mixed once. The following example uses the ‘Brick Wall Limiter’ when the sound is being mixed for the first time. It is easier to control the volume of different vocals and instruments if you do both at the same time. I find that the quieter instruments, the rhythm guitars are too loud in the mix, if use the Limiter on a stereo premixed file.

Open the ‘Better Time’ wave file.

Drag the Limiter sound effects pluggin into the insert part of the Master Output section.

  1. See the Limiter Pluggin
  2. set the level of the Master Output to -2db.

Select ‘Export Mixdown’ In the Song menu item.

Click ‘OK’.

The song name has a (2) after it if it is the second mix of that song.

Right Click on the ‘Better Time’ file. Select open with Cool Edit 2000.

Normalize this sound file.

Normalized sound file.

Highlight the section of the sound file you wish to remove and delete it. At the end of the song.

Zoom in and highlight the section of the sound file you wish to remove at the beginning of the song.

Save the file in Cool Edit 2000.

Store Limiter Preset in Studio One.

Save the project in Presonus Studio One.