(Hearing the triangle wave LFO modulated auto panner)
Link : Auto Panner modulated by a square wave LFO.

Figure 49 : The auto panner effect is applied to the highlighted section of the wave file. It is modulated by a triangle wave LFO in this example.
Auto panners effect the panorama, or stereo sound field. Pan controls on mixing boards work like the balance knob on a stereo. When the control knob is all the way to the left, the sound goes into the left speaker. When the control knob is all the way to the right, the sound goes into the right speaker. The auto panner periodically sweeps the sound back and forth, from one speaker to the other speaker.

Figure 50 : Control settings for the auto panner effect.
Auto Panners are VCAs modulated by LFOs. VCAs (voltage controlled amplifiers) effect the volume of the signal. Both channels, left and right, contain separate VCAs. Both VCAs are controlled by the same LFO (figure 51), but one LFO signal, in one speaker, is Inverted (180 degrees out of phase with the LFO signal in the other speaker). If the LFO signal wasn’t inverted, it would control the volume of sound in both speakers equally, at the same time.

Figure 51 : Triangle wave LFO for the auto panner. The LFO in the left speaker has been inverted.
This effect is really two tremolo effects in parallel (side by side). When the volume in one speaker (figure 51) is the loudest (point A), it is the quietest in the other speaker (point B), and vice versa.