
Figure 46 : Normalized the highlighted section of the wave file.
Quiet, normally inaudible tones can be heard in the sound file, if a compressor or limiter is used on the sound file, after Cool Edit 2000 noise reduction is applied to it. Using a compressor or limiter first, then using noise reduction solves the problem. Don’t let a CD copy house remaster (compress) the CD if Cool Edit 2000 noise reduction is used on the recording. It doesn’t ruin the recording every time, but why take a chance on ruining the CD.
Normalizing a quiet section of a sound file (figure 46), after noise reduction is applied to it, can also cause these normally inaudible tones to be heard. Normalizing an entire sound file, before and after the noise reduction is applied to it, is common practice, because the change in volume is not great enough to amplify these inaudible tones loud enough to be heard.