
I would review these sections at least five times.

Recording Ruins

This section is designed to show the hardware and software I used to record the Ruins (SA0540) album. Just set the controls the way I did and you should get the same sound I did when I recorded the album.

Screaming Angels is the best example of the sound quality from the new PreSonus Studio One software.

I truly believe that the best albums are made from the heart first, not the head. I usually try to get a clear sound, where I can hear everything adequately. Then, after I get a good sound, I add other effects such as reverb, echo, and delay to make it sound the way I want too.


Prerequisite classes are high school classes that you have to take before you take collage level classes. For example, Pre-Calculus is one of the classes you take before you can take Calculus in college.

Sound FX 101

The first time I would just listen to the sounds and try to remember the names of the sounds you want to use on your album.

The second time I would not just listen, but also look at the graphics for every Sound FX in the ‘Sound FX 101’ section. I would look at the ‘Cool Edit 2000’ prerequisite section before looking at the pictures on your second time.

On the third time you should read the ‘Modulation’ and ‘Delay’ prerequisites before you read the rest of the ‘Sound FX 101’ sound FX descriptions.

You don’t need to understand how this works to use these tools to shape your sound. If you never read the website, but just listen to it, my job is done.

When you are finished with this course, you won’t know how to wire a mixing board, or tweak every control knob. You will know how to tell the engineer to add a little chorus FX to a dry acoustic guitar. Or add Reverb to a snare drum to get that Eighties Hair Band Sound.

After you finish this course, you will be ready to go into a studio, and learn from another co-producer and/or engineer how to get these sounds.

The most important thing you need to understand, is that you have to decide for yourself, how much of a role you have in creating your own album. It would be nice if one person in every band knew how to create demos.