The three different sound file types used in this website.
- MP3s – the most common audio file type. This file type should play on most computers.
- MP4s can be video or audio files. Files that end with .mp4 are video files. Audio MP4 files are known as AAC files and they end with .m4a. This is an apple audio format commonly used on IPODs & IPhones. Great sound quality, less space. So you can fit more songs on a device. The first free MP4 file is a video. The rest of them are audio files.
- MIDIs – Musical Instument Digital Interface. These files are like an automated keyboard/drum machine. These files are created when I use my sheet music maker software.
You might have to turn up the volume on the MIDI files if you try to play them. Right click the speaker icon in the lower right part of the screen. Select ‘Open Volume Mixer’. Turn up the volume.
These songs are the final versions of the demos.