
Matt Redlin
SA0190 (1992)

Length: 43:30 minutes.

Format: 4 track cassette
DAW: Cool Edit 96

Recorded: 7/27/92 – 8/8/92
Remastered: 1/31/04

Matt Redlin: Guitar /Bass / Drums

Audio CD:
01 Cyanide
02 Caught In The Web+
03 Crash*
04 Your Gone
05 Fading Away
06 Forever**
07 Infinity
08 Celestial Shadow (Original)
09 Waiting For You
10 The High Road

*The chorus and the ending of Crash are used to create Crashed.
**Forever was renamed Alone Forever on
Infinite SkylineMedieval (SA0510)
+The verse part to Caught In The Web became the beginning to Fire Beast.