
Link: Chorus Vibrato


Figure 103 : The vibrato effect is applied to the highlighted section of the wave file.

The vibrato effect is a modulated pitch effect. The vibrato and detune effects are the same thing. It sounds like the pitch control on a reel to reel tape player is being changed, periodically, during playback. Guitar players bend strings back and forth to achieve this effect.

Figure 104 : Control settings using a flanger for the vibrato effect.

The vibrato effect in synthesizers is created with modulated VCO(s). The most popular way to create the vibrato effect with audio effects processors, is to use a short modulation delay (chorus or flanger) effect. The speed of the delayed signal is changed during playback, and the result is a change in pitch. The difference between the vibrato effect and the modulation delay effects, is that the original, unaltered, signal is turned off in the vibrato effect and is not turned off during the other modulation delay effects.